Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Keen On… Why a Squirrel Dying on Your Front Lawn Isn’t More Important Than Somebody Starving in Africa (TCTV)

Keen On… Why a Squirrel Dying on Your Front Lawn Isn’t More Important Than Somebody Starving in Africa (TCTV): "Pariser, who is the President of the Board of MoveOn.org is concerned that the Internet isn’t living up to its original promise. And the Filter Bubble is a passionate polemic against Facebook and Google algorithms that simply serves up information that it believes the user wants to see. For Pariser, this is creating a less and less well informed public and compounding the ghettoization of contemporary intellectual and political life."

As president of MoveOn.org he likely thinks that if everyone just read more of what he likes we'd agree with him and since we are not he's not happy.

Google and Facebook let us see what we want, and this leads to ghettoization? So he likes the lack of choice imposed by the past. Ghettoization is also an interesting choice of words because is means both separate and inferior. But if we are each reading what we want aren't those demanding higher intellect content getting it while those who only want to sports and hooters get exactly that?

I think he wishing the NYT still controlled more of the national conversation, because he agreed more with them. To paraphrase Janet, "Freedom's just another word for what librals want you to do..."

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